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鋁道網(wǎng)  >  鋁產(chǎn)品 >  鋁合金制品  > 鋁合金  >  高電位鎂合金犧牲陽(yáng)較保護(hù)價(jià)格低



28 元/kg

  • 單價(jià):電議
  • 最小起訂量: 1kg
  • 所在地:河南 焦作
  • 供貨總量: 326598kg
  • 發(fā)布時(shí)間:2020-10-31


  • 合金元素:




High potential magnesium alloy sacrifice anode protection low price


 高電位鎂陽(yáng)較的均勻電流輸出不會(huì)受到干擾主要是因?yàn)樗年?yáng)較較化比較小,鐵、同和鎳雜質(zhì)成分增加了陽(yáng)較的局部腐蝕,這樣就減少了他的壽命,鎂陽(yáng)較主要用在電阻率土壤P≤100Ωm的地下裝置中,帶狀的鎂陽(yáng)較用在P≤150Ωm的范圍內(nèi)。海水里鎂陽(yáng)較的大輸出可以達(dá)到1A。鎂陽(yáng)較的陰較保護(hù)電流輸出給電阻率有關(guān)系,優(yōu)點(diǎn)是:陰較保護(hù)的鐵面比較,電位差大,缺點(diǎn):表面不光滑,鎂陽(yáng)較不安全不能放在易爆的地方,效率jin僅約50%。國(guó)外還研制樂(lè)然埋地裝置的高電流鎂陽(yáng)較,雜質(zhì)比較低,壽命比較長(zhǎng)。電位更低約-0.1 V。通過(guò)加入鈉使合金成分得到類似效果。






In corrosion and protection research, we are committed to the development and dissemination of knowledge. Corrosion is the destruction or deterioration of a material by the environment. Materials include metal and non-metallic materials. Where materials are made, there are problems of different forms and degrees of corrosion. The annual cost of corrosion has exceeded the combined cost of fire, floods, earthquakes and car accidents. Metallic oxide has excellent physical, chemical and electrochemical properties. Because Titanium is used as a substrate, it is easy to process into the desired shape and is light in weight, facilitating processing and installation. Our company produces MMO electrode by using new research party mixed metal oxide anode material. It is highly corrosive in acidic media, and it also takes into account the oxidation of antimony iro2 and extremely high oxygen over potential, and adds iro2 and SnO2, ruo 2, ta2o 5, PDO to form composite metal oxides. Electrodes, metal oxides have shape. .. .. .. .. .. For the built platform, the sacrifice of the underwater installation anode is expensive, and the above fixed type is also too high to be adopted because of the high installation cost. The tension type applied current cathodic protection has both cathodic protection and monitoring functions. The auxiliary anode, reference electrode and cable are integrated into one, which is called a composite cable and has load bearing, supply anode current and transmission monitoring functions. The top of the composite cable is fixed on the platform rod, the bottom is fixed on the basis of gravity, and a certain pre-tension is applied according to the sea conditions to make it in a tensioning state, so it is also called a tensile applied current cathode protection. Gravity infrastructure and weight, composite cable tensioning force and other factors need to be considered to determine the specific conditions, water depth and other factors, and at the same time to ensure that under possible conditions, especially extreme conditions, composite cables and platform structures, and composite cables maintain a certain distance. The structure and length of composite cable, gravity foundation and tension force are closely related. Because the auxiliary anode is evenly arranged vertically, the potential distribution is more uniform and the required protection current is relatively small. This major feature is that it does not require underwater operations during installation, or it only requires simple underwater operations as an aid. Therefore, it is easy to install, and the overall cost is low. It has a great advantage in serving the cathode protection of the active platform.







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  • 焦作市立博輕合金股份有限公司
  • 經(jīng)營(yíng)模式:制造商+服務(wù)商
  • 主營(yíng):鋁合金陽(yáng)極,鎂合金犧牲陽(yáng)極,參比電極,鋅合金犧牲陽(yáng)極,高硅鑄鐵陽(yáng)極
  • 地區(qū):河南 焦作




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